National Coverage Determination (NCD) Dashboard Now Available

The National Coverage Determination (NCD) Dashboard is now available on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website under the  Medicare Coverage Determination Process. This document consists of three alphabetized lists:

  • NCD Wait List – topic requests accepted by CMS;
  • Open NCDs – potential coverage policy topics currently going through the National Coverage Analysis (NCA) process with public comment; and
  • NCDs Finalized in the Past 12 Months – coverage policies which have completed the NCA process and represent current Medicare coverage policy.  

Currently, there are 8 topics on the NCD wait list, 2 topics on the open NCD list and 4 NCDs finalized in the past 12 months.

CMS prioritizes NCD requests based on the “magnitude of the potential impact” on Medicare beneficiaries and the program alike. It recognizes the need for streamlining and standardizing the NCD review process whenever possible. Utilization of this document is a quick and concise way to review specific topics during various stages in the NCA process.